Thursday, October 28, 2004

Bush website for domestic use only

The official Bush-Cheney website has blocked access to anyone living outside the U.S. or Canada. The Washington Post reports this follows an electronic attack that took down the campaign's Internet address for six hours last week. This seems like a serious case of overkill, according to the Washington Post:

It is not unusual for Web sites to block e-mail and browser traffic from individual Internet addresses and from certain countries notorious for churning out online fraud scams and junk e-mail, but security experts said the Bush-Cheney campaign's move is probably unprecedented.

"I've never heard of a site wholesale blocking access from the rest of the world," said Johannes Ullrich, chief technology officer for the SANS Internet Storm Center, which monitors hacker trends. "I guess they decided it just wasn't worth the trouble to leave it open to foreign visitors."

The action has launched a flurry of reports, mostly from the foreign press and computer publications, questioning the logic and repressive nature of this action.


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